Last movie seen in a theatre: Devani has finally managed to get the message into my head - movies aren't worth paying for in theatres; especially when PVR with it's 180+ tickets is such a tempting choice. Should be 'I am legend', if I am not wrong
What book are you reading? Interpreter of maladies, Prisoner of birth, Introduction to Economic analysis :)
Favourite board game: Cheating :)
Favourite magazine: Reader's Digest maybe. I am not very fond of reading magazines
Favourite smells: Smell of wet earth
Favourite sound: Sound of Mumbai's heavy rains hammering perpetually on the parapet outside my window
Worst feeling in the world: Being stared at
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? What was my last dream?
Favourite fast food place: Kitchen
Future child’s name: Guess this would depend on future wife :P My choice would be Vikram if child turns out to be a boy, and Ananya if a girl
Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d…” : Not be writing blogs as a pastime
Do you drive fast? I don't drive at all
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Who doesn't?
Storms - Cool or Scary? Scary
If you could dye your hair any colour, what would be your choice? Violet with yellow shadows
Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in: Bombay, New York, Hong Kong
Favourite sports to watch: Tennis, Basketball
One nice thing about the person who sent this to you: Abhi... never stops surprising me
Morning person or night owl? Night person
Over easy or sunny side up? No eggs, thank you
Favourite place to relax: Place no bar
Favourite ice cream flavour: Flavour no bar
You pass this tag to –I tag myself; I like running in loops
Among people you tag, who do you think is going to respond the fastest? I won't